Scott Holmes Mechanical carries out air-conditioning and electrical repairs on 4x4s, trucks, earthmoving, agricultural and forestry equipment.
Scott Holmes Mechanical has broad experience in air conditioning repairs and modifications. We have been servicing and repairing air conditioning systems in Western Queensland for 19 years.
We specialise in REDDOT air conditioning system fitment and repair, and offer same day service for fitment to most trucks.
We can custom make or repair systems for earthmoving, agricultural and construction equipment. We can repair your equipment in our workshop at Muckadilla, or with our Isuzu 4x4 truck we can travel anywhere in Western Queensland and fit or repair your system on-site.
We carry the largest range of heavy equipment a/c parts on hand in Western Queensland.
We also carry a large range of REDDOT units in stock including spares parts.
We have designed our own cabin pressuriser system to fit all OEM or aftermarket systems, and it is especially suitable for the REDDOT system.
With our experience and large range of parts on hand we can sort all your air conditioning repairs in one callout, reducing downtime and costs.
With our large client base we can reduce travel costs to your area by calling other customers in your district to share the cost.